14917267_10154344610811622_2277339575043380159_oThis past week there has been alot of smiles. Of course, Halloween being the reason for many of the smiles in my household. Halloween is not really a Norwegian or Danish thing, but it is getting more and more common. Of course there are valid arguments on both sides of whether or not we should import traditions from abroad. I guess I have landed on the pro-Halloween side, because I do not think it hurts anyone to dress up and have a little fun. To hand out some lollipops while complementing the fantastic costumes is not what I consider a nuance – but rather fun. It’s not like you are being bludgeoned to hand out candy. Unfortunately, they had terrible weather this year for trick or treat. Of course, Old Mamasan made Pumpkin pie, and the Karate Kid did a fantastic job decorating, don’t you think?

Tivoli in Copenhagen takes it all out for Halloween, and it is so much fun! This year, we went twice! Actually, the Kid went three times, as he went with the people from church on Sunday, in addition to the two times with us. We all just love seeing the decorations and the lights. I hope the pics convey some of the ambiance and god times this time of year in Tivoli. Of course it is pure chaos in Tivoli in the weekends, so do yourself a favor and visit on the weekdays.

(Those of you who notice that Sir Nerdalot is looking a tad less fuzzy in some of the pics, yes, he shaved for Movember and is now growing a stache :-))

Oh, another reason for me to smile is that I have finally got an idea for my NaNoWriMo-book. It might not be a great idea – but it is an idea, no matter how crappy 🙂


I am joining the #WeeklySmile bunch, as I wholeheartedly agree with the host, Trent, that we need some positive posts in between all the serious stuff in the news and on the web. Give someone a smile today, and see what happens!

Care to join us at the #WeeklySmile ? Then go to Trent’s World  and join the LINK UP!

Older entries in the #WeeklySmile:

Spanish Smiles



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